Amateur Radio Station W3NP is Located in Fort Ashby, West Virginia
12 miles south of Cumberland, MD
rules & the VACUUM TUBE
is still
My amateur career began in December of 1959 when I obtained my NOVICE LICENSE. My original call was KN3KJX. I became interested in "ham radio" as the result of winning a code contest at my boy scout troop (I think I was the only one who had any interest). The "instructor" was a ham, Bob - W3KEF (sk), and he invited me to see his shack. I will never forget that evening when he turned on his DX-100 and HQ-129X and I saw those glowing lights and dials for the first time. I had always been fascinated with short-wave radio, tuning my parents post war Bendix and then later a Philco cathedral radio my grandfather had given to me through the short wave bands and listening to the teletype, amateur phone, and the strange haunting music from the foreign short-wave broadcast stations. I was hooked - totally fascinated with the idea of those mysterious radio waves beaming through the nighttime sky and the sight and smell of glowing vacuum tubes.................Continued on Bio page Warning: Clicking on the bio page may be hazardous to your free time - it is quite long. |